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Integriti Version 22 has been released!!

Updated: Sep 30, 2024

Integriti Version 22 has been released!!

Integriti Version 22

Inner Range introduces new features in managing Mobile Credentials in bulk and creating and

managing biometric users with the release of Integriti Version 22.

Integriti Version 22 has been released!!

For integrators who do custom integrations to third-party

systems, a new Rest API is available which will give them

more control and make any integration more streamlined.

Biometrics Architecture Improvements

Integriti Version 22 has been released!!

Integriti's Biometric Integrations' improvements made it possible to connect directly to compatible biometric readers and sync data.

Morpho Idemia is the first biometric solution to take advantage of the improved architecture.

Bulk Add and Automatically Manage Mobile Credentials

Integriti Version 22 has been released!!

Mobile Credentials are now significantly easier to manage thanks to the updates included in Integriti Version 22. Rather than being managed through a built-in communications handler, Mobile Credentials are now managed through Integriti's plugin architecture which allows finer control of the Mobile Credential system.

It is now easier to create and assign in bulk, manage on a 'Per-pool' basis and automatically create and revoke by using a filter.

Integriti API Version 2

Integriti Version 22 has been released!!

Integriti's REST API has been redesigned from the ground up to simplify developing integrations with Integriti. The updated API expands on the functionality supported by the current API, providing a number of new options and request endpoints to better support a number of integration use cases.

API endpoints are now grouped by use case, providing more targeted functionality based on the type of integration being developed.

Multiple Rest API Components Increases Security

Integriti Version 22 has been released!!

The Rest API Version 2 has been separated into 4 different components which are User Management, Status and Control, and Virtual Card Badge and Review I/O.

Having different components allow developers and administrators to secure access to a system by only enabling what is required for the integration with the simple tick of a box.

Web-Based API Documentation

Integriti Version 22 has been released!!

A well-documented REST API is crucial for developers and can save them a significant amount of time when first using the API.

Integriti's web-based documentation for its REST API has been completely re-written to fully describe all possible endpoints supported by the updated API. The documentation is conveniently grouped by integration module, ensuring all necessary endpoints for a given type of integration are close together.

Pre-Built Postman Collection and Environment

Integriti Version 22 has been released!!

One of the first steps in developing an integration is to build a Postman collection which can be used to test and understand the different endpoints available.

Inner Range has created a pre-built Postman collection along with a detailed Environment which makes this process significantly easier. Instead of a developer spending days first understanding the API documentation and then building a postman collection, they can get started immediately by importing the pre-built Postman collection and environment.

Want to know more? Contact us!

If you have any questions about how Inner Range can make your life easier and more secure with state-of-the-art technology, please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

  Open: 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday

  1 Millennium Court, Knoxfield, Victoria, 3180, Australia

  +61 3 9780 4300

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