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Inception Version 6.2.0 Release

Inception 6.2.0 adds the ability to have multiple readers on the same side of a door, multiple new storage unit features, major Mobile Access fixes with various enhancements, and many security and performance improvements.

Multiple Readers on Same Side of Door

A new Show Advanced Door Options checkbox is now available when configuring a door via the hardware wizard. Enabling this will expose additional door options, as well as the ability to select an additional inside and outside reader for the door. This allows for scenarios such as having two readers at different heights (a boom gate with one reader at car height and another at truck height), or two readers of different types (a card reader and a biometric reader), to be placed on the same side of a door.

Storage Blocks: Vacancy Clear Behaviour

Added a new Vacancy Clear with Active Inputs Action option to storage blocks, allowing installers to choose what happens when a storage unit within that block has its vacancy cleared while it has inputs in alarm.

Storage Blocks: Start Auto-Resecure Timer on Unlock

Added a new Auto-Resecure Timer Trigger option to storage blocks, allowing installers to configure when the auto-resecure timer should start for any storage units within that block. When set to Door Close, the timer will start when the storage unit’s door closes. If set to Unlock and Door Close, the timer will start when the storage unit is either unlocked or the door is closed.

Storage Blocks: Clear Vacancy on Valid Card Read

Added a new Clear Vacancy on Valid Card Read option to storage blocks, allowing installers to configure the associated storage units to have their vacancy cleared when a valid entry has occurred, transitioning into the Unlocked state. On a valid exit, storage units will attempt to transition into the Secure state, then the Unlocked state, respecting the Force Secure Units with Active Inputs setting. 

Hide System IP

Added a new Hide System IP option to the system settings under [Configuration > General > System > Cybersecurity Hardening].  When enabled, the web interface login screen will no longer have the IP of the Inception displayed under the login button, and will only display basic information about the controller.

Better Mobile Access Connection Status

The Mobile Access connection status found within [Configuration > Access Control > Mobile Access > Mobile Access Connection Settings] has been updated to give a more accurate display of the current connection status to the Mobile Access portal, and will also refresh with every request made. In addition, occasional flickering should not interrupt the status display.

Storage Unit IRFast Reporting Improvements

The alarm reporting of storage units has had its formatting updated in order to provide more accurate information. When an alarm is cancelled for a storage unit, it will now display "Xmit {AreaName} Alarm_Cancelled by System,” indicating specifically that the action performed was an alarm cancel, and specifically pointing out the action being performed by the ‘System’ rather than ‘Schedule’.

Selecting Specific Siren Outputs in Areas

A new Override Alarm Response Location setting has been added to areas, allowing you to configure a custom alarm response location if enabled, rather than from the input location. Enabling Override Alarm Response Location allows for you to select an Alarm Response Location of internal, external, or both sirens when sounding an alarm.

Mobile Access System Name Not Updating

The system name of a linked Mobile Access System should now automatically update as soon as it is updated in the Mobile Access portal, whereas previously it would not update at all.

Mobile Access Session Expiration

Fixed an issue where Mobile Access management functionality on Inception would stop working eventually as the connection would not be renewed until a reboot, resulting in a ‘Session Expired’ message. Retrying any allocation or editing operation with mobile credentials should now renew the session and work.

Unlinked Mobile Credential

Editing Mobile credentials are now removable even if you are not linked to a Mobile Access system or your Mobile Access system’s connection is disabled manually.

Multiple Mobile Credential Removal

Fixed an issue where selecting and removing multiple mobile credentials from a user’s mobile credential list at the same time would not result in an automatic save of the user. Now the user is automatically saved after the removal, meaning that the mobile credential changes will not be lost.

Resending Invitations for Revoked Credentials

An update to the Mobile Access portal prevented sending invitations for revoked credentials. As this is now no longer possible, it is not shown in the web interface, as this is not functionality supported by the Inner Range Mobile Access service.

Deleting Blank User Mobile Credentials

Mobile credentials that were already removed manually from the system would not be removable from the user’s mobile credentials list, and should no longer be prevented by the web interface.

File Upload on iOS Chrome

File upload buttons for the iOS Chrome browser were previously either greyed out of non-functional for each of the instances where an imported file was required. This has been resolved in all locations of the web interface.

Credential REST API Breaking Changes

Resolved an issue present in the REST API after 6.1.0 where the GET and PATCH requests for singular users was no longer returning or accepting ‘Credentials’ for a user’s credential list, and instead was using ‘PhysicalCredentials’ as the credential list name instead. Either name can now be used for the PATCH request, and user credentials are now returned both under ‘Credentials’ and ‘PhysicalCredentials’.

User Deletion and ILAM Syncing

Deleting an expired user would cause issues when synchronising to the offline database of the ILAM, causing it to stop prematurely. The process of offline syncing will be uninterrupted, and will sync the deletion of the user properly.

Two-Factor Authentication QR Codes Missing

When setting up two-factor authentication for a user, the QR code section would appear blank, meaning that the details shown in the ‘Manual Key Entry’ section had to be used instead. A fix has been applied to allow the QR code to show up again.

A large update has been done to the firmware and various frameworks within the Inception controller. General software vulnerabilities have been patched while also updating many underlying security frameworks within Inception.

Changes were also done to secure the web traffic and content of Inception. Inner Range strongly recommends keeping up to date with the latest firmware. Every release incorporates the latest security and vulnerability patches, helping to protect your devices from known and emerging threats.

As well as these much-desired features several Cyber Security Updates have also been included in the release of Inception 6.2, which for security and safety reasons will not be mentioned.

For a full list of details refer to the Release Notes and Data Sheet for Inception 6.2.

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