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How Inner Range Enterprise manages User Permissions

Enterprise Solutions User Permissions 

Inner Range Enterprise Solutions, powered by Integriti, support the assignment of access permission groups, including role-based permissions, to every individual user.  Access permissions using time and date scheduling, public holidays, local time zones and business closed periods can all be configured. 

An incredibly flexible and granular user permission group hierarchy allows the assignment of almost any number of ‘Permission Groups’ to each user.  Comprising of door, lift, intruder combined with business/OH&S related permissions, each Permission Group defines the core access control and security entitlements available to the User.  Permission Groups can also include other Permission Groups (i.e. nested Permission Groups) creating limitless possibilities for access control. 


In addition to Permission Groups, assignment of any number of individual Doors, Door Lists, Areas, Area Lists, Floor Lists, Lift Car Lists etc can be made to the User. 

We also support an overarching  ‘deny’ permission for a Door or other entity. When assigned to a User, this will override any ‘allow’ permission for that Door or entity which may have been assigned to that User in some other context. 


Role-based security is fully supported for both cardholders and operators using Active Directory / LDAP integration. Role-based access control is supported through our “Permission Group” structure. 


Integrations with external user database systems, such as Azure AD, allow attributes within Azure AD to automatically provision the corresponding access control role within the Inner Range system. 


Furthermore, we support the use of ‘qualifier’ object states to grant or deny access control, e.g. Time Periods (valid/invalid), License/Competency (valid/invalid), Zone Inputs (sealed/unsealed), Auxiliary Outputs (on/off), Areas (armed/disarmed) and more. 


Area Based Access Control 

​​​​​​​To highlight the flexibility our permission structures, we also support the optional use of security Areas to define access permissions for an individual user. By assigning “Access Control” to an Area will grant access to the user through all Doors that are directly associated with that Area, i.e. in situations where there are multiple Doors to the one Area, e.g. lobby entrance, main warehouse etc. 

Nesting Permission Groups 

Users can also nest three layers of permission groups so long as the last permission group only contains single entities (e.g. doors, areas) and not global lists (e.g. door lists, area lists, another permission group). 


For more information on Enterprise Solutions User Permissions and how they empower your business to secure your building and people, contact your local Inner Range sales representative. 

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